Field Trips

Field trips at the studio utilize a fun, learning through doing approach that creates an awesome experience for children and their teachers. Our approach combined with a focus on conversation, creates an opportunity for students to be creative, work as a team and develop self-confidence and leadership skills.

  • Any person inside the studio during the party time is considered a guest, excluding the teachers (maximum 1 adult per 8 kids).
  • If you do not see availability on a day you are hoping to attend, please reach out to the studio directly via the chat on the lower right corner of our site!
  • Please note the studio is a communal space so make sure to book a spot for anyone attending and know that there will be other people in the studio unless you book out the whole studio.

  • Ditto Oven-Bake Clay Party (ages 4+)
  • Earthenware Clay Party (ages 5+)
  • Besties Party (ages 5+)
  • Painting Party (ages 5+)
  • *Splatter Painting Party (ages 4+)
  • *For Splatter Painting field trips everyone will complete an individual painting but not a large group canvas.

Clay is ready in 7 days for glazing bookings or pickup. Oven-bake ditto clay & Paintings are ready in 2 days.