Learn, Create, Grow, Repeat
Our 5 week clay wheel class encourages being present and mindful while creating, and focusing on the journey rather than the outcome.
1. Professional Tools & Materials
At our professional art studio, you use only the highest quality tools and materials.High fire clay, wheels, bats, ribbon tools, pin tools, sponges and more. Plus you will learn all about the kiln and the magic that happens inside.
2. Everything starts with a lump of clay
Enjoy the pure magic at your fingertips when you transform a simple lump of clay into a functional vessel! This captivating process brings joy and satisfaction in creating something unique with your own two hands.
3. Spin! Spin! Spin!
Techniques are best learned through practice, and our program is designed to maximize your time on the wheel. Instructor demonstrations include: throwing, centering, opening and pulling, coning, Sgraffito, handle building and application and more!
4. Trimming
You will learn the process of trimming in your second class, which gives your creations a professional look and feel. Shape, smooth, scar and scratch while your clay is "leather dry".
5. Ready to dry
Clay must be bone dry before it's fired in the kiln for the bisque fire. Our kilns heat the clay to an internal temperature of about 2000 degrees! You might cook a pizza at home around 450 degrees, so that's REALLY HOT! 🍕😋This whole process can take about a week.